M5Stack Basicで外部電源をUSBから供給したいのだが、回路図見る限りそういうのは想定されていなさそう。IP5306が下流側からの逆流を防ぐ想定をされて作られていたらいいのだが、データシートには何も書いていない……。でもこれには
Where does the IP5306 power controller get its own power? Only from either the battery or the USB port. The 5V connection on the M5Stack Core/Basic/Gray controller is not a power source for the IP5306 chip and is considered downstream from the chip (i.e. the output). If the M5Stack controller is being powered through the 5V connection other than the USB port (for example, through a base or some other accessory), this power is not an input to the IP5306 chip, and will not charge the battery. The IP5306 will shut down under this condition to minimize battery drain, unless configured not to. When the chip is shut down, it will not respond to I2C communication (for example, getBatteryLevel() will return -1)